Fleet solutions

14 Apr 2020
At sgfleet, we have always believed in the power of partnerships. We offer our customers our unique expertise and services just as we rely on the specific skill sets of other businesses.

Now more than ever, we all need to play to our strengths. Let us help where we can make a difference so that you can focus on what is most important for your business. Let’s work together to get Australia up and running again.


What can we do for you?

sgfleet has put the necessary processes in place to ensure the company remains operational. That means we are capable of assisting any business during this difficult period, including our essential services customers.


Would freeing up cash benefit your business in the current circumstances?

If you own a fleet of vehicles, sgfleet can help you to re-finance your fleet, or alternatively, arrange a sale and leaseback.

You will then be able to redirect the cash generated back into your business and help maintain cashflow.


Are cash flow constraints limiting your ability to replace old vehicles?

If your business is not able to replace ageing vehicles outright, talk to sgfleet about replacing them with a leased vehicle.

This also means you will be able to tap into sgfleet’s sourcing and purchasing power in a disrupted car market.


Do you need more vehicles now but are uncertain for how long?

sgfleet has a pool of ex-lease vehicles available, including passenger, light and heavy commercial. We can structure shorter-term leases of 6 or 12 months to help meet your immediate requirements without committing for the longer term.


Are you under cost pressure to maximise the efficiency of your vehicle fleet?

sgfleet can provide a range of solutions that will help you reduce the running cost of individual vehicles, eliminate un-needed vehicles from your fleet and organise alternative transport methods such as carshare and subscription services.


Tell us what you need

Whatever transport or fleet problem you are currently facing, let us help you so you can focus on navigating your business through these challenging times.

If we all make our unique expertise available to others, as partners, every business will benefit, survive and thrive.


For more information, please call Kevin Davies, sgfleet National Manager, Business Development, on mobile: +61 419 601 751 or email newbusiness@sgfleet.com

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